
Welcome to AboutTheAuthor.com, a domain acquired by Westward Connections Inc. on April 21, 1998. Westward Connections CEO and founder, Barb Tomlin, envisioned it becoming a hub featuring the authors she had interviewed for CompuServe, Prodigy, and America Online over the years as well as authors she would come to know from that point forward. Within months Barb was contacted by Alfred Glossbrenner, a bestselling technology book author. He was collaborating with his wife Emily on a book titled “About the Author” and was hoping to lease abouttheauthor.com to use in promoting their book. Negotiations concluded with Westward Connections producing the website for their book promotion and leasing them the use of the domain for five years.

About The Author is the section of a book where readers go to get some insight about the person who wrote the story they are reading. As a writer searching for a publisher, you will most often find yourself writing a book proposal. Every good book proposal includes an About The Author section. If you would like to post your personal About The Author section on AboutTheAuthor.com, please follow our Twitter updates.

This site serves as a guide for readers interested in finding out more about their favorite authors, particularly those who have an Internet presence, and for the authors to use in promoting their latest works. If you are an author or author’s publicist, you are invited to apply for posting privileges to AboutTheAuthor.com and tweet promotions from @AboutTheAuthor on Twitter.